This Sunday’s Satsanga is in Gujarati. The Satsanga is based on the seeker’s questions regarding Adhyatma Vidya Mandir’s publication, ‘Management Wisdom from Bhagavad Gītā’ by Pujya Swami Viditatmanandaji. Two dimensions of success are mentioned under the topic of ‘Success’ (Page 6). With respect to these two dimensions of success: subjective and objective, what does each […]
This Sunday’s Satsanga is in English. The journey of seeking happiness from relationships to the curiosity for self-knowledge, the difference between मुमुक्षु mumukṣu and जिज्ञासु jijñāsu, all these are very well explained by Pujya Swamiji in this Satsanga. Is there a good time to wake up the people to the fact that they have to […]
This Sunday Morning Satsanga is in Gujarati. In this Satsanga, Pujya Swamiji provides greater insight on the value ‘Amānitvam’. The subtle difference between Ātmagarva (ego) and Ātmagaurav (self-dignity/self-respect) are discussed here, and the importance of Ātmagaurav (self-dignity/self-respect) in the life of a seeker for self-confidence and associated interactions with the world is pointed out. The […]
In this Satsanga Pujya Swamiji provides an insight regarding the आश्रय āśraya of अज्ञान ajñāna. Is it प्रत्यगात्मा pratyagātmā or अहंकार ahankāra? And how? All this is elaborately explained. Further there is a discussion on gross and subtle form of राग द्वेश rāga dveśa, what constitutes gross rāga dveśa, what constitutes subtle rāga dveśa, how […]
In this Satsanga, Pujya Swamiji sheds light on the subtle nature of Viveka, Vairagya, Shraddha, and Mumukshtvam. When can one say that one has done the ‘परीक्ष्य लोकान् parīkṣya lokān’? If this has not happened yet in a seeker’s life, what measures should one employ? Seekers will find here clarification on how the value of […]
In this Satsanga Pujya Swamiji discusses regarding the best form of Gurubhakti: what does Gurubhakti mean in Vyavahaar, what is the best manifestation of Gurubhakti and Guruseva, how as a Gurubhakta one has to respect the other Guru-bhaktas and avoid detesting other Gurubhaktas, how the Gurubhakta has to check any expectations which may likely develop […]