Forty years of teaching is more than a teaching both on the part of a Guru and a Shishya. It is a development of a bond, and the maturity of that bond. For the Shishya this bond resembles more than the bond of trust, love and devotion, since the Guru is the whole and soul, the life, the oxygen, until the Shishya is led to self-realization. So what happens when the Shishya realizes the true nature, when the darkness of ignorance is shed away? Gratitude, gratitude and only gratitude! Words can’t describe the feelings and yet words alone sing the glories of such a Guru to express the Guru Bhakti. Vande Gurum Sadaram is an expression of love and devotion from one such Shishya singing the glories of Guruji’s virtues, highlighting the teachings assimilated through the years, and expressing the satisfaction, the fullness experienced within. These compositions are not compositions, in that they were not written deliberately, they just happened, effortlessly flowing of a devotee disciple as an expression of her Guru Bhakti. Vande Gurum Sadaram is an offering to Pujya Swamiji, a compilation of compositions on Guru and Guru Bhakti by Swamini Vidyaprakashanandaji, in the form of abook along with a MP3/USB. The compositions are both in Gujarati and Sanskrit, with more than 20 compositions in Sanskrit. (Two of the compositions are for birthdays, which everyone can sing during their dear ones’ birthdays.) Seekers would definitely appreciate the Bhakti expressed in these compositions, and these compositions will not only help the seekers to enhance their devotion, but also assimilate the teachings. While one may be led to think of the greatness of the author for coming up with so many Sanskrit Stotras and Gujarati compositions for a Mahatma, the author denies it! It is the greatness of that Mahatma, who has invoked in her such devotion, who has succeeded in invoking in her an expression of fulfillment, who has unfolded the subtleness of truth, such a Mahatma alone is accountable for this beautiful outcome.
Vande Gurum Sadaram, Book, MP3/USB