This Sunday Morning Satsanga is in English. In this Satsanga, Pujya Swamiji provides great clarity on relationships. Relationships are a means of happiness in our life and are meant for our emotional growth. Seekers will find clarity on the purpose of relationships in our life, how to improve relations so that it becomes a vehicle […]
This Sunday’s Satsanga is in English. The week’s Satsanga is related to Kathopanisad: subtle aspects of shreyas and preyas in a seeker’s life. Pujya Swamiji sheds light on what does being like Nachiketa mean in today’s world. As Pujya Swamiji mentions in Kathopanisad, ‘Every moment can be a moment of joy if alertness is there […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji addresses the doubts related to previous session on speaking truth, and in the latter half introduces the topic of objectivity and subjectivity. With regards to speaking truth, one of the questions raised is how to master the skill of speaking truth without not hurting others. Pujya Swamiji […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji speaks about truthfulness as a value in our life. The scriptures claim, ‘Truth alone prevails, wins’. This is what we have to discover in our life. The simple meaning of truth is taken here as speaking truth. But what does speaking truth involve is unfolded elaborately. Speaking […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji talks about truth and non-violence as important values to inculcate in our life. Pujya Swamiji points out that in life what is important is to travel in the right direction, and for that we need to make right choices. These values guide us to make the right […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji answers to some fundamental questions each of us have within. When did we get separated from God? Pujya Swamiji points out to pay attention of why this question arises. Because we feel separated from God, we feel we don’t see God, we don’t know where he is. […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji unfolds how our feeling of being separated from God is a notion. How the separation from God is like river feeling separated from the ocean. But if we investigate the essential nature of river, is it the banks, the flow or water? True nature is that which […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji talks about how practicing a value requires strength. We expect others to be kind, honest, truthful, but when it comes to us, it costs something, my image, respect, success, prestige, fear of punishment, fear of losing something precious to me. Whenever we don’t follow a value, inwardly […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji brings us closer to the facts of life, of what we really want in life and how can we obtain that. How we are constantly observing and judging ourselves, and all problems in our life are because of failing myself, my disliking myself. And I can love […]
In this Sunday Morning Youth session, Pujya Swamiji elaborates further on the ongoing discussion of the art of developing a happy mind. How we have to change our existing equation of becoming happy from getting rid of or acquiring desired things. In this talk, Pujya Swamiji shows how this desire of acquiring or getting rid […]