Through the study incorporated at this stage, seekers will get a detailed understanding of all the verses of Bhagavad Gita with Shankar Bhasya. Upanisad texts with Shankar Bhasya exposition will provide an in-depth understanding of Vedanta. The Prakaragranthas included in this stage will enable the seekers with a subtler analysis of the fundamentals of Vedanta. The resources in this stage are meant to enhance the single-pointedness of the mind through the in-depth discrimination of self and non-self, and the seekers can expect to gain a certain structure in their thinking process. Shankar Bhasya exposition will enable the seekers to develop a rational mind, and develop a thinking process in line with the scriptures.
- આત્મબોધ
- મનીષાપંચક
- શ્રીરામગીતા
- મુંડકોપનિષદ
- કેનોપનિષદ
- ઈશાવાસ્ય ઉપનિષદ
- કૈવલ્યોપનિષદ
- વૈરાગ્ય
- સમત્વદૃષ્ટિ
- Dṛg Dṛśya Viveka
- Vedāntasāra
- Kaivalyopaniṣad
- Duty, Renunciation and Knowledge based on the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 4-4-223